Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Did someone decapitate my Mii?

As you can tell from the image in the "About Me" box on my blog, I have a Wii.

I have an image of me in my Wii called a Mii. That's the image in my blog. I watch my Mii playing games as I move on my Wii Fit balance board, which I use pretty much daily.

My hair has grown quite a bit since I made that Mii, so I changed the Mii to have longer hair. And now that Mii looks disturbingly like it's a decapitated head.

The scores in the Wii Fit game come up with images of my Mii beside the score, but just the head shows up, not the body. Now that I have longer hair, you can see the hair under my head. No neck or body, but hair under the chin. It looks like a body-less, ghostly head floating about.

It didn't look like that before, when the hair was shorter and none of it showed under the head. But now... it's quite disturbing.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Is the surf really up?

It's been the coldest April on record here on the west coast of BC, but I was just watching my favourite webcam of Tofino - on the west coast of Vancouver Island - and there were two surfers walking on the beach with their surf boards! Even in the middle of the summer surfers need to wear wet or dry suits to surf Tofino, so that water is always cold, but it must OK for surfing now.

I've been hoping that summer would turn up sooner than later, so I guess this is good news!

Surfs up!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Is life really in full colour?

It has been such a slow Spring... I was wondering if my favourite webcam from Tofino, BC was actually still in colour, or if it had gone to black & white & a million shades of gray. This screen capture from a few moments ago shows actual colour on the right hand side! It's in colour! The world is in full colour again! Let the Celebrations begin!

Update: The screen shot I captured yesterday disappeared! And today we're back to monochrome... as you can see from the screen shot that I just put on this post (unless it disappears as well).

But there was colour, I saw it.

Of course, this shot is kinda cool because you can see little tiny people close to the waves about 1/3 of the way in from the left side of the picture. It's a big beach.