Thursday, December 31, 2009
Will the end of the world come to Australia first?
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
If you can hear me... can you turn the sound system on?
Friday, December 25, 2009
Are they singing to the statues?
Friday, December 18, 2009
Did we just get transported to a war zone?
Monday, December 14, 2009
How do you have a control group in a surgical trial?
Friday, December 11, 2009
Who moved all the books?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Is that the definition of cacophony?

- Santa Clause is Coming To Town - live band playing
- Oh come let us adore him - live singers
- Ratta tat tat - live drummers
- On the dance floor oooh ooooh - recording
- You better not cry - recording
- Something that sounds like a Beach Boy's song - live singers
- Oh come let us adore him - live singers
- Wooo hooo - live young girls
- Da da da de daaa da da - live horns
- Smoke alarm going off in someone's kitchen
11:30 am - I gave up on sleeping in and went to have a shower
12:30 pm
- Rock'in Christmas - recording repeated at least twice in succession
- A welcome garbage truck in the alley making it's usual banging noises while emptying dumpsters - a semblance of normality
- Ratta tat tat - live drummers
- Oh come let us adore him - live singers
- Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy - live horns
- Christmas Day in the Morning - live horns
- Bagpipes! Maybe we're getting close to the end?
- Clean and crisp and even - live horns & drums
- I blessed the rains down in Africa - live band - very odd
- Various other recorded songs
1:30 pm Drummers jamming - live band
1:40 pm Go Tell It on the Mountain - live band
1:45 pm Joy to the World - live singing and Santa Clause is Coming to Town - live band (at the same time)
2 pm - Didn't the parade start at 1pm? Shouldn't everyone be gone by now? Ohhhhh, the float for Santa is still in the street below our window... slow parade! Santa Clause is still Coming to Town.
I've recorded the cacophony so I can remember it once we've moved away from here. Typically we have the marching bands practicing in the street and the alley on the other side of our building when the parade comes to town. This is the first year we've had the floats and multiple bands and cheerleaders (they had pink pom-poms - that means cheerleaders, right?) crowding into the street below us. It's much noisier than having just the marching bands. They don't take turns, it's more like they try to out-noise each other. Cacophony. Yep, that's the definition.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Should I start singing now?

Is it that time already?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Will the universe restart, or will some scientists just get happy?
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Where is the best handicapped washroom?

Thursday, November 26, 2009
When did laundry become therapeutic?
Friday, November 20, 2009
Is this a "wrinkly reunion"?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Is that 21 years of bad luck or just 7?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Can I have another arm?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
What is crawling up my leg?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
How does the Olympic flame stay lit on a plane?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Did they yell "Timber"?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Does this make me a Cougar?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Did that sign say Reality Advisor?
- Tell you that you look like an overstuffed teddy bear in that sweater.
- Advise that it will rain today. (Repeat every day until April.)
- Let you know it's not your metabolism, it's the high-fat high-sugar stuff you keep putting in your mouth.
- Advise reality show participants that being real will have them off the show in record time, they should go for melodramatic fiction instead.
- Tell you the sky is green. (OK, that was from a bored reality advisor - maybe he got into the wine.)
- Let you know that housework is never done.
- Burst that lottery-winning dream bubble. (This advisor is really getting me down.)
- Remind you that you have a dentist appointment. (That was just mean.)
- Let you know that you can't change the person you are dating, you can just waste a lot of time trying. (Awww.)
- Tell you no one will do your work if you don't....
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Can I have one of those elevator keys?

I was in an office building with a lot of medical offices and only 2 elevators yesterday. And yes, you guessed it, one of the elevators was on service.
So when I drove my wheelchair into the one working elevator - I was the third person in, and expected other people would walk in, but not as many as would fit if we were all standing... boy was I disappointed. As many people as could jam themselves into the elevator squished into the tiny little box. They got to know each other very well.
Hey, aren't some of you sick if this is a medical building? No one breathe.
I was only going to the 2nd floor. We see death and dismemberment imminently approaching. If only the chair could levitate, I would have taken the stairs! Why didn't some of the others take the stairs... I guess those working legs are only for show (grump, grump, grump).
I did finally manage to back out of the elevator (I still need to work on the backward movements), but man... there was chaos. I can turn on a dime, but not in a full elevator, bits do stick out.
When I was on my way back down, one of the elevators was skulking darkly on the floor I was on... with still obviously only one elevator working I figured I would be waiting for a reasonably empty elevator for hours.
Then a man got out of the other elevator, which was full and going up, and said "Are you going down?" I was a bit confused, but said yes. He closed the right hand side of the elevator door on the dark elevator by hand (I didn't know those moved separately), and put a large metal key into a hole high up on the elevator door. The lights came on and he invited me into the elevator. I drove in and immediately turned the chair around. Once the door was closed the elevator started going up. He said "No, I want to go down." and put the key into a maintenance keyhole on the floor selection panel inside the elevator and pushed the lobby button. We started going down.
I like that key. I want one too!
I never knew those little holes in elevator doors had a purpose! I will look for them on other elevator doors now!
The man with the key commented on how much he liked being in total control of the elevator. I told him I had never seen anyone with so much power over the elevator as he had and that he should "use the force wisely, Luke".
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Where did everybody go?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
What are sits bones?

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Do you really want me to test this?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Am I really supposed to believe that?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Is that green? Or is that green?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Is that a threat or a surrealist promise?
Monday, September 14, 2009
Does the shushing help?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What sport is going there?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Where is the most dangerous place to have a wheelchair?

In a bookstore!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Is that a bird or a fish?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ever had to sneeze whilst yawning?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Are those self-flushing toilets or sea monsters?
Friday, August 21, 2009
Did I really want to see actors' faces that close up?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Is that a really big bug?
Monday, August 10, 2009
Do I want to tilt?

I've already decided on the basic chair items for the motorized wheelchair I am configuring for purchase. I want the swing out leg supports, the TDX SP super-duper wheel motion that can go over all the bumps in the sidewalk pavement (there are many, many bumps in the pavement in Vancouver's West End), the ROHO seat cushion that has a couple dozen little individually inflated pockets in it, and a backrest that can be individually contoured to my back with additions of bits of foam in the right places.
Oh and, I've decided on the chair arm-rests... that's a new item I was introduced to only last week, I hadn't realized there was so many choices.
But now I have the ultimately expensive decision: To tilt or not to tilt, that is the burning question.
I can still walk short distances, so I'm not in dire need of a chair to get around indoors. Right now I really don't see the point of the tilt. But the ever cheerful saleswoman says that if I don't spend about $4000 now to get the tilt, to retrofit in the future will cost at least $6000.
Um, yeah, but I still don't see why I would need the tilt.
Some hints from my occupational therapist: if I want to sit in a restaurant in the chair, the tilt would let me reach the table better. I get up and use a normal chair in restaurants, there is usually a place to stow the chair for a while, I've never enjoyed being in packed restaurants that wouldn't have room for that, so that's not something worth $4000 to me.
Some suggestions from a previous wheelchair saleswoman I was tormented by: if you are in the chair for a long time - like all day - it's nice to tilt back and rebalance your weight for a while. She was pregnant, and enjoying this aspect of the chair while taking it away from me so I couldn't try it out for myself. (She gave up my case to the other saleswoman when I asked my occupational therapist if there was another sales company we could deal with.) Again, I'm not planning to be in the chair for hours upon hours.
So what about in 4 or 5 years from now? Yes, exactly. What will happen in 4 or 5 years -> no one on the planet knows what will happen to me in 4 or 5 years. MS is so specific to the individual human that is afflicted with it, no one knows where the disease will take me. I may be running and jogging in 4 or 5 years. I may be paralyzed in 4 or 5 years. Or anything in between those 2 extremes.
I have finally, after much googling, found information on why tilt is a good thing. It's to relieve pressure points from sitting in one position for too long! See
I'm not planning to spend hours sitting in a wheelchair day after day, but maybe my desk chair that I use every day needs a tilt stick and motor. Or maybe I need to get up at least every 2 hours for a stretch, like I already do on a regular basis.
I'm thinking I will forego the tilt option on the wheelchair.