Thursday, August 30, 2012

But is he parking cars?

Archeologist think they've found where Richard III, King of England until he died in 1485, is buried. They think his body is Leicester, near a social services building, in the car park.

So my head has been ringing with the obvious question from a Douglas Adams devotee... has he been parking cars?

In the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Marvin is discovered in the car park of the restaurant after eons have passed since he saw the other characters in the novel.

After Marvin washes his head at Zaphod over the phone, Zaphod asks him: "Will you please tell us where you are!" Marvin's response: "I’m in the car park." Zaphod: "In the car park!? What are you doing there?" Marvin: "Parking cars what else do you do in the car park?"

Richard has been in the car park for only hundreds of years, not eons like Marvin... but what else would he do in the car park?

And why did I find a website with the full script so easily by googling "parking cars what else do you do in the car park?" I read this book years, if not decades, ago, but I still remember the words. They seem to be imbedded in my brain.

I think I'll go and stick my head in a bucket of water.

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