Friday, May 29, 2009

Did we miss Spring?

I'm not complaining (not yet anyway), but did we miss a season?

Isn't the winter supposed to be a cold time, then there is spring which is a slowly warmer time, and then there is summer, which is hot? It seems we've gone straight from cold to hot! 

I do recall claiming it was spring in February, when the first flowers called "snow drops" started blooming here in Vancouver, but it just didn't warm up from there! But now we have sun, shorts, tourists, and heat. We missed the gradual warming, it's like standing in the shower when someone flushes a toilet!

Well, here's to summer! We have it now, lets enjoy it! Cheers!

Here I am!

Was that confusing, or what? Now I have a new home for my blog! Must redecorate.

Where did I go?

I have taken over another spot on the web!

For all future posts see:

And this may, or may not show up in the old blog... I just felt like confusing myself this afternoon!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Why do busses have numbers on the back?

It's almost guaranteed that, if you need to catch a specific bus, it will be the one that arrives at the bus stop early, and leaves before you get to it. It's a Murphy's Law kind of thing.

But why do they need to put the numbers on the back of the busses so you know which one it was that you wanted as you see it leaving?

Isn't this just a bit sadistic? Can't we have non-specific busses that just may have been the one you wanted? The suspicion that you wanted the bus that you just missed is less painful than the realization that you did indeed blow it.

Or is it? It's nice to know where you stand. If you did miss the bus, and you know it, you have time to make alternate plans. Or you can set off on a tirade of curses and spitting. It may help to blow up and get it out of your system. And if there are other people around to witness your blow up they can call for the ambulance that you will need from the heart attack you just had.

It's at times like this, when you've missed your bus, that your true character really comes out.

If you are me... you sit and ponder some of life's questions as you wait for the next bus, and call for the ambulance.

Friday, May 22, 2009

What was the question?

Douglas Adams wrote the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything was 42. The question is still not known.

I've just spend the year - my 42nd year - searching for the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.

From the quirks of evolution, odd parking signs and construction signs, colliding submarines, sound distortions caused by fog... to ghosts and mountains that sneak up on you, I've been finding all sorts of really fun questions this past year. (See the Favourites labeled posts in the Labels Archive on the right for a few of my most fun ones.)

So did I find the ultimate question? ehrm, no.

Did I have fun searching? Yes! I've greatly enjoyed the life view from a questioning position. I think this may be habit forming.

I've let the blog go for about a month now, and I've missed it, so I think I will resume the search for the Ultimate Question... and if I find one that fits the answer 42, I will highlight it in big bold letters for everyone to enjoy!