Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is that a character from the book I'm reading?

I'm currently reading a book by Tom Holt - Djinn Rummy. One of the main characters is very much like a lot of Tom Holt's main characters, an unappealing person with very little drive. Not a very active person, bit of a bump-on-a-log, shuffling through life, doesn't have a lot of ideas, no real purpose in life type of person. Not someone the reader would aspire to be... but oh so very true to life.

As a matter of fact, I met a woman on the weekend who reminded me so much of the character from the book, I'm still queasy with recognition.

It's really not a good thing when you seem to be a character from a novel. Bad things happen to people in novels - that's where a story comes from. A novel without something bad happening to challenge the main characters is... not read through by anyone, because it's boring.

And why did this woman's parents give her a stripper's name? She really doesn't fit her name. By the time you get to be an adult, you either grow into your name, or you change it, legally or via a nickname. I don't know what happened in this case, but the name would also make a good name for alcohol, so maybe there's even more trouble here that I don't want to know about!

Maybe she actually is a character from a novel who has escaped from the book.

Are there any more characters wandering around out there?

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