Saturday, September 8, 2012

Is it "woman of a certain age" time already?

My spouse and I went to see Jerry Seinfeld doing stand-up comedy at the Orpheum Theatre last night. He was great to see again. At the end he took questions from the audience - one question was "Are you going to do another TV show?" his answer was "No. I'm old. I'm rich. And I'm tired!" Fair enough. It was fun to see him on stage.

Before the show started, and again at the end they had Frank Sinatra recordings playing.

I knew most of the Frank Sinatra songs. I have most of the Frank Sinatra songs. Oh dear, this may mean I'm now a "woman of a certain age". The rather obtuse way of saying "she's an old broad" or "middle aged" or "past it"... overall, not very complimentary.

But as Jerry's warm up act says "you're getting older - live with it" (the warm up guy, whose name I cannot find online - annoying - was good...) (even though I did find an interesting link to Jerry's new web project Comedians Getting Coffee. Go see - it's fun.)

As we were waiting for the show to start we realized that my spouse's mother was the age I am now when my spouse and I got married. OK, "woman of a certain age" sinks in as the appropriate moniker now. She liked Frank Sinatra too.

And once again I have to ask "I'm middle aged? When did that happen?" It just creeps up on you. Time is sneaky.

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