Friday, August 21, 2009

Did I really want to see actors' faces that close up?

Star Trek on an IMAX screen! Sounds fabulous, and it was, but did I really want to see pores the size of my head?

We were in Victoria last weekend. The museum was showing a display of things from the British Museum (what they acquired and aren't going to give back) from all over the world. It was a sparse, but interesting display of everything from replica rocks from the Olduvai Gorge to modern pieces made within the last couple of years specifically for the museum. But as we were buying tickets to get into the museum, they mentioned that they were showing Star Trek on the IMAX screen... well, that's a goer, so we got tickets for that for a couple of days later.

The movie was sold out, so it was good I had my loaner wheelchair - they reserved a seat for my spouse right beside the spot for me - it was close to the screen, but isn't everything in an IMAX theatre?

The screen in an IMAX theatre is 6 storeys tall. In most movies there are some very close close-ups on many of the actors. They all appear to have lovely skin from afar, but it's not nearly as complimentary when their noses are 2 storeys tall.

I would not enjoy the pressure that a makeup artist must face if they realize how close everyone will be to their art.

It actually produced some interesting dreams that night! I dreamt that I was growing the black hair from the villain's eyebrows on my knuckles. I don't have hair on my knuckles, so I also wondered who had pasted the hair onto my hands... and when questions of reality hit a dream, it wakes you up, but it's easy to remember those dreams afterwards!

I think I can get over it... but I think I could have lived a full, happy life without ever seeing actors' faces that close up.

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