Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Is that a threat or a surrealist promise?

We are actually going to do it, after keeping old furniture and other junk in our storage locker for 10 years (after moving it from the storage locker in our Toronto apartment building, where it sat for 5 years...) we are having the 1-800 Got Junk people cart it all away!

When we booked the removal appointment online, one of the steps was to give additional comments. They have examples of additional comments. The punctuation and placement of the example comments makes them fascinating:

I have to leave by 11:15, or it's a sofa bed, TV and yard waste

Dude. If they don't leave by 11:15, it's a sofa bed, TV and yard waste. Is that a threat of metamorphosis? Does Salvador Dali come in and change reality for them?

Is this what happened in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy when Ford and Arthur are thrown into space and the spaceship Heart of Gold picks them up? They changed into sofas for a while. Was it because they didn't leave by 11:15?

A sofa bed would be a major item to pick up and remove, is the threat really that the soft feather pillows will get to stay and the junk removers will have to take the couch if someone doesn't leave by 11:15?

The mind boggles. I think I need more coffee. Or maybe less coffee. Or maybe a couch...

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