Friday, January 22, 2010

Winter? What winter?

Yesterday I saw my first 2 trees with pink blossoms on my way to my yoga class. That was January 21, 2010!

What happened to winter?

The Winter Olympics start in about 3 weeks here. Unfortunately, up on one of the local mountains - Cyprus Mountain - they are going to hold some of the competitions. There really isn't any snow up there anymore. We're doing spring now, everyone! So there is a movement to save up shavings of ice from freezers and ice cream storage to collect enough to put on the mountain for the events. Actually, the organizing committee is fully prepared to air-lift in snow from other mountains for the events - that should cost a mint.

So where did the winter get to? Well, Europe is getting a wallop of winter. They aren't used to the amounts of snow they are getting. And the Sierra Mountains in California seems to be getting the snow we are supposed to get. (Yes, that would be in a region generally, typically, normally called the dessert.) So anyone want to dispute global climate change?

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