Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Did someone decapitate my Mii?

As you can tell from the image in the "About Me" box on my blog, I have a Wii.

I have an image of me in my Wii called a Mii. That's the image in my blog. I watch my Mii playing games as I move on my Wii Fit balance board, which I use pretty much daily.

My hair has grown quite a bit since I made that Mii, so I changed the Mii to have longer hair. And now that Mii looks disturbingly like it's a decapitated head.

The scores in the Wii Fit game come up with images of my Mii beside the score, but just the head shows up, not the body. Now that I have longer hair, you can see the hair under my head. No neck or body, but hair under the chin. It looks like a body-less, ghostly head floating about.

It didn't look like that before, when the hair was shorter and none of it showed under the head. But now... it's quite disturbing.

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