Friday, May 6, 2011

Why is the poll so late in reporting results?

I worked as a poll clerk at the federal election on Monday. It was an extremely long day. Many people on the outside were grumping that it took a long time to get the poll results in from our area. Apart from bad organization on the parts of most of the people in the room after the poll closed and we started counting the votes, the poll was also late because there is only one handicapped washroom stall in the typical public washroom.

Yes, the counting couldn't start until everyone was locked into the room to count, and I was in the washroom, delaying everyone.

But was it really my fault?

I must use the handicapped stall. I need to use the bars in the stall to help me stand. Another woman - physically fit and fully abled - was in the handicap stall. So I waited for her to finish. And everyone waited for me to finish.

Angry about delays? Welcome to the world of being handicapped.

I think everyone should spend one day in a wheelchair. Try it, you'll see the world from a different perspective.

So do you really need to use the handicap stall in the washroom? Ignorance can be a handicap, but you can get over that one.

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