Saturday, May 26, 2012

Do you have your towel?

Really a question for yesterday, it was Towel Day - May 25, a day to celebrate the life of Douglas Adams. There were events all over the world - see the Towel Day organization website for a list of what was happening where (the one in Greece with home made Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters sounded like fun).

So did I make a special effort to bring a towel with me? No. Actually I didn't have to... I always carry around a towel... and I didn't realize I was doing it until I thought about it yesterday!

I use a power wheelchair to get around outside, and I have a backpack that always hangs on it. So I always have a coffee mug (yes, I live in Vancouver), a dog-mit to clean my wheels before I go inside (yes, it is fun to see people's reactions when I get Out of the chair to clean my wheels... I can still walk a little, and I don't like the dirt inside my home!), and... a towel. Using a public washroom with air dryers for the hands is a bit annoying when I have to get the chair wet to get it over to the air dryers on the walls to dry my hands... so I always have my wonderful towel.

I would never want to go anywhere without my wonderful towel... these words of wisdom are as true for me as they were for Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent. It's awesome when life imitates art.

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