Friday, May 18, 2012

Do paper cuts swarm?

It's the one that cuts deep and bleeds that hurts enough for you to notice it... but have you ever noticed that when you look at the one paper cut that hurts, you will always find more paper cuts? And then those paper cuts hurt too!

It's like I've put my hand in a mouth with sharp bits of paper for teeth.

I don't remember getting the ones that didn't hurt enough to notice... but there are many of them.

I don't often get paper cuts... but when I do there are many of them.

So, do paper cuts swarm? Are they a force of nature like a swam of locusts? Not seen too much, but huge when they do happen.

It's not the middle of the winter, when skin is dry and needs a lot of moisturizer to stay comfortable, so it's not just dry skin.

It's probably not from aliens... I do remember how the one that hurt happened: magazine, not aliens.

Maybe it was a swirly, windy, tiny storm of paper dust that swarmed over my hand and then disappeared. I think that must have been it. Just like the little swirly, windy storms that leave crop circles.

... Or maybe it was aliens.

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