Monday, November 30, 2009

Will the universe restart, or will some scientists just get happy?

The Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland is back up and running! (Yes, that's it's name - who ever said scientists weren't creative - put an adjective in front of the noun, that makes it special, right?)

This is the machine CERN created to try to find the Higgs bosun particle, as well as any other interesting things that can be found when particles are smashed together. The particles they are looking for are the ones they expect were created 1 trillionth to 2 trillionths of a second after the Big Bang, and then disappeared almost immediately (I think). So they are trying to replicate the conditions that existed at the very beginning of the universe.

So will this be effectively hitting the "restart" button for the universe? That is a fear that some people have.

Or will this just get some scientists a Nobel prize? That would make some scientists very happy. That would make me happy, the "not the end of the universe" option.

Could humans actually do something that would end the universe? It seems a bit overly ambitious somehow. The good thing is, if it does happen, we will never know. Anything. Ever again. It would be the end. It's a nice, clean, full stop. I like the simplicity of it. It works for me.

For more interesting details see this and many other news articles available around the world: CBC news article

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