Thursday, December 3, 2009

Is it that time already?

We received our first Christmas card yesterday. It's only Dec 3! Good grief, is it the end of the year already?

The month of December is our stay away from the stores, except to buy food month. The shopping for stuff insanity is just too annoying for words. It's just so depressing to see so many grumpy people frowning and arguing with each other. So the Christmas cheer - which is really a snarl - is not something we participate in.

We do send out cards and newsletter-type updates at the end of the year, but we always wish people a happy new year instead of trying to figure out who is following which religion this year. We really do wish people will have a happy new year, so there is no false cheeriness we have to put on just because society wants us to.

We're such rebels - which smiley face is the one where the eyes roll up? Hmm, you'll just have to picture it in your mind, blogger doesn't seem to do emoticons.

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