Wednesday, December 30, 2009

If you can hear me... can you turn the sound system on?

Falling asleep in front of the TV can be a dangerous thing. The programs begin to blur together.

For example, if you fall asleep during an "ultimate rooms" program that is showing ultimate home entertainment rooms, specifically showing a room with a million dollar sound system that vibrates the chairs... and wake up to a ghost hunters program where people are asking "If you can hear me... can you make a noise?" the mind goes into some really weird places.

"If you can hear me... can you turn the sound system on?" is the question I heard when I woke up. I wondered who had died without telling their heirs how to turn the million dollar sound system on. That would be so annoying. Instructions should have been left... so am I having a really weird dream, or is the world going nutty?

That may have been OK as an isolated incident, but more recently I found myself not paying much attention to the TV when some monster hunters were showing the cage full of chickens they were going to leave out to tempt the monster to show itself. The ghost hunting show often has people trying to "provoke" the spirits into making a noise or moving something. The thought "Wouldn't leaving chickens in a room provoke those spirits more than moving the furniture... maybe someone should suggest it for the ghost hunters..." popped into my head.

Way too much TV. Or is that way too many ghost or monster hunting programs? Maybe I have my own ghost who is muddling my mind... that must be it.

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