Friday, December 11, 2009

Who moved all the books?

Yesterday I was in the library to return a book, and since it was very cold outside and I had just frozen my hands getting there, I looked around at books in the fiction section while warming back up. I went to the aisle that typically has my favourite authors in it to see if there was anything new... and the books weren't there!

Yes, there were books on the shelves, but not the books I was looking for. Not the books that had been there every time I had looked before.

I did eventually find the books I was looking for... in an area with about 3 rows of bookshelves, the books had moved from row 3 to row 1. They had done a little jump to the left.

Who moved all the books I was looking for a jump to the left?
And who moved the other books a step to the right?
Who put their hands on all the books and risked their knees in the tight shelves?
But it's the pelvic thrust that's really got them insaaane.
Let's do the time warp again!

Sorry, couldn't resist the slip into Rocky Horror there...

So was this a grand scheme to confuse everyone? (Shuffling the books around, not the digressing into Rocky Horror, I've done that so many times over the years it doesn't confuse anyone anymore.)

Did they actually dust the shelves? Was that the point? I wonder what kinds of odd things they found on the shelves... there's more than just books on them there horizontal surfaces. And I'm not talking about dust. Think unconventional conventioneers... a party... musical numbers... a library would be the perfect place for reprising Rocky Horror, lots of twists and turns... maybe some interesting experiments in the storage rooms...

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