Friday, June 12, 2009

Are they really gone?

For the past 3 years we've had construction workers going up and down the outside of our apartment building doing "repairs" to the windows and walls, and painting the building the same colour it was before, just to make it look cleaner.

Yesterday they took the construction fence and other dirty, dusty building debris away from our front door. Today they took the freight-train car box of tools away. (And spent most of the afternoon cleaning the outdoor parking spaces they had occupied with the box with the loudest power washer they could find.)

So could it be? Is it possible? Could construction really be over? Could they really be gone?

The windows are absolutely disgustingly dirty, some of the windows they "fixed" are now collecting water between the panes, and the front sidewalk is cracked and beaten up, so the place looks like hell. But maybe it will be quieter now that they've gone... 

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