Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ever had to sneeze while brushing your teeth?

Some sneezes just instantly burst forth.

Some sneezes give you warning, and then never happen. And you just know that sometime in the near future you have one of the instant ones coming.

Some sneezes give you just enough warning to grab a tissue. But if you are brushing your teeth at the time...

Jackson Pollock (1912 - 1956) was an abstract painter who created paintings by throwing paint onto canvas. His name is sometimes used as more of a verb than a noun: "He Jackson Pollocked on your couch" means a mess is awaiting your artistic critique in the living room. 

The hysterical laughing fit that you try to overcome after viewing your Jackson Pollock on the bathroom mirror can be loads of fun, but you tend to swallow a lot of toothpaste while trying to keep your balance.

Luckily, some of us never grow up.

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