Wednesday, June 17, 2009

But how do they practice conversation?

Hair stylists are always fun because they have such interesting ways of looking at the world, and they share their ideas constantly with their customers as part of their business. 

So when I was in the hair dressers yesterday I was wondering why the hair stylist and client a couple of seats down from me were so quiet. As I subtly looked over to see what was up, I realized the client was only a head! It was a dummy head propped up on a stick at the height a client would be in the chair. The stylist was applying highlights to the hair with colour and foils.

I am trying out a new place to get my hair done (got bored of the same old style, grew hair out, needs some definite help on the style aspect now) and I decided to try the Aveda Academy Salon since it's about a block from where I live. I've never had my hair done in a school before. It's interesting, in a desperately ordinary way. 

I'm used to flagrantly individualistic people as hair stylists, and I don't think anyone was relaxed enough to be an oddball there. I do wonder if they've missed the point of hair stylists. Doing hair quietly without some really off-the-wall conversations just seems a bit dull. Shouldn't they be practicing conversation as well as cutting and colouring?

The good news is, I do like the style I had done yesterday, so I will likely go back, I just won't expect to be entertained.

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