Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where did everybody go?

I'm not saying that Vancouver is now a ghost town - although, with Halloween approaching it would be topical - but where did everybody go?

I was in my local coffee shop enjoying coffee yesterday, and I almost had the whole place to myself! Other than a couple at a table over there, and a woman and her dog at a table out there, about 3 people who came in and got their coffee to go, and 3 people who worked there... the place was empty. How very odd.

The streets aren't exactly bustling either. I was off doing errands before I stopped for coffee, and I ran into very few people (and bounced off most of them knuck, knuck, knuck... tee, yes I know that's a bad joke, humour me, I need more people about for something more stimulating).

I'm sure during the Olympics this will all change for a few weeks, but Vancouver in the winter is really quite empty. Without the tourists it's very quiet, you can just hear the rain coming down...

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